Часть полного текста документа: Северо-Кавказский Государственный Университет Филиал в городе Георгиевске ПРОЕКТ По английскому языку Выполнил Брежнев Е. Ю. Проверила Катышева Л.И. Г. Георгевск 2004 How many up to him{it} all variety of elements which have created the surprising world around of the person and which make his{its} most essence tried to result chemists in system... How many people have staked for the sake of it the life. Many understood, felt, that there should be such system - the law of the nature, aspired to open it{him} is and it is vain. It{he} has constructed its{her} one - periodic system of elements. System of elements of D.I.Mendeleyev. It was the mighty person, because made him{it} under force only to the giant. How it was possible to it{him}? Due to what? Due to the of improbable force to talent, due to a fortress of spirit, due to confidence that business of it{him} is necessary. It{He} has appeared in Petersburg silently and imperceptibly, having overcome on horses a long way from sleepy Tobolsk where it{he} was born, up to noisy, talkative Moscow and magnificent city on Neva. And how in unfamiliar big city this blue-eyed young man who is not having neither notable relationship, nor rich parents differently could appear? Father of it{him} was director of the Tobolsk grammar school - a post not the god a message what profitable, and small glass which basically and began to feed family after father, go blind, has been compelled to leave teaching, too did not bring the big income. And nevertheless, when it{he} , it was the big impact for Mendeleev. After all fourteen souls of one children... Mitia was younger and, similar, the most favourite. In the childhood it{he} possessed not too a sound health, and in damp Petersburg air and at all to feel began itself unimportantly. Sometimes he{it} a throat had blood, and doctors believed, that at him{it} last degree of a consumption began. It{he} laid in clinic of pedagogical institute where it{he} studied, when once during detour the main doctor, thinking, that Mendeleyev has fallen asleep, has told to director: And , having heard the verdict, sat on beds, has got writing-books and has there and then plunged into records with lectures. Institute friends have managed to arrange for Mendeleyev an audience at court physician Zdekauera, and that, having heard it{him}, has delicately advised to go on the south. To tell the truth, Zdecauer has given still advice - seem simply so, just in case Piragavim. And in Crimea at this time there was a war, and Pies, having rolled up sleeves, operated since early morning and till the late evening. For days - tens amputations. Mendeleyev many times saw it{him} from apart, but all did not dare to approach to it{him}. Pies was more necessary. Mendeleyev also could not think, that a kind of Simferopol, city, in general, enough removed from a front line, can make on him{it} such heavy impression. Restaurants worked, no, hospitals was a little, and around of city tents with a red cross have crowded. And everywhere ... Mendeleyev here knew nobody. Pies seem inaccessible. And the graduate of the capital institute who has arrived on consultation to find to itself put here, certainly, could not. And it{he} writes to the brother in the letter: But at last Mendeleyev before Проговым. The great doctor with unexpected attentiveness examines so strange here the patient and... Grants to it{him} a life! Mendeleyev has for ever remembered that has told to it{him} of Pies: . The inspired Mendeleyev is born{carried} to Odessa. With it{him} only that on it{him}, yes is a little money, but all so is good, ahead has put - tempting and interesting so much, now it is necessary to hasten, because time lost in burdensome expectation, to not return any more. To Odessa at Mendeleyev a direction. It{he} has received there a place of the teacher of natural sciences, from him{it} there the small laboratory, the first laboratory, and there and then, near at hand - excellent library. Here, in southern seaside city, it{he} starts to search - of what thought already for a long time and to that it{he} will devote all life. Half-year in Odessa, and Mendeleyev again in Petersburg. It{he} has arrived not with empty hands: work which it{he} has brought - the most thin and most laborious research on specific volumes. ............ |