Course paper on a theme:
Development of creative abilities at English lessons
Performed by: the fourth-year student,
Faculty of foreign languages,
Group 4.2.2.
Kochetova S.A.
Scientific superviser: Znamenskaya A.V.
I. Chapter I. Development of independent creative activity in the teaching process
1.1 Teaching of independent activity at foreign language lessons
1.2 Formation and development of skills of the independent creative activity with the usage of educational game at the English language Lessons
Chapter I Conclusion
II. Chapter II. Practical application of methods and ways of development of independent creative activity of pupils at lessons at an average comprehensive school
2.1 Development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language
2.2 The forms of teaching promoting development of skills of Independent activity of pupils at lessons
Chapter II conclusion
The List of the Used Literature
English as one of the means of a dialogue and knowledge around the world takes a special place in the system of modern education owing to the social, informative and developing functions.
Teaching a foreign language is connected with the development both thinking and emotions and other spheres of a person. Importance and necessity of including of motivational and emotional spheres of a person of a pupil is underlined in the methodical literature of last years on teaching foreign languages. Mastering of the language in artificial conditions, that is out of the surroundings where it is spoken, demands creation of the imagined situations, being able to stimulate a communicatoin in the language. Learnt is also connected with the development of imigration.
Process of studying a foreign language promotes the formation of creative independence as there is a possibility of using creative tasks and exercises within the limits of the given subject which demands independent work from pupils. They are taught to use a language material for expression of their thoughts in a dialogical and monologic speech.
Teaching English can and should provide the achievement of practical, educational and developing aims. Besides, the practical purpose theleading. The other purposes are reached in the course of mastering English in the conditions of pupils’ active informative of power of apprehension and activity. Pedagogics, guiding and synthesising these aspects, defines vision of a problem from its specific point of view.
The urgency of the given term paper consists in insufficient research of methods and ways of development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language.
The object of the course paper are methods and ways of process of teaching a foreign language.
The subject of the given term paper is development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language.
We shall deal with the studying of methods and ways of development of skills of independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language which also promotes the formation and development of intellectual abilities among pupils that will raise the efficiency of teaching and educational process.
It will be clear from what has been said above. The problems of the given course paper are:
1) To consider concept - «independent creative activity in the course of teaching a foreign language»;
2) To analyze the notion “educational game” as means of formation and development of language abilities;
3) To consider practical application of methods and ways of development of independent creative activity at the English lessons;
4) To consider practical application of methods and the teaching forms, promoting development of skills of independent activity of schoolchildren in the course of training;
Methods of research of the given work is studying the scientific works connected with revealing its psychological aspects, approaches to a technique of the organisation of creative activity at school, criteria of an estimation of its efficiency etc. providing success of formation and development of the person’s creative abilities. Great attention of consideration of methodological aspects of a problem of complex formation of creative abilities, formations of its creative potential was paid to works of the famous scientists.
The structure of our course paper consists of the introduction, two chapters, the conclusion, the list of the used literature.
Chapter I. Development of independent creative activity in the teaching process.
1.1 Teaching of independent activity at foreign language lessons
The aspiration to carry out the tasks demanding display great intellect, imagination, desire to get knowledge, dream, - here are necessary conditions of occurrence of a great interest in subjects. Independent work is considered to be the specific form of the schoolpupils’ educational activity characterising by all its features. ............