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Раздел:Иностранный язык
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Описание: Most winds in Europe come from the West. They are wet because they have come from the Atlantic Ocean. The arrangement of the peninsulas, mountains and seas allows these wet winds to blow far inland, bringing r

Часть полного текста документа:

Europe is our common home Plan. 1. Introduction. 2. Passport. a) Aria. b) Recourses. c) Population. d) The largest countries. e) The longest rivers, the largest lakes, the highest mountains. f) Languages. 3) The origin of the word Europe. 4) Geographical position. 5) Boundaries. 6) Climate. 7) Countries and languages. 8) Religions. 9) History of Europe.
    I`d like to tell you about Europe. Europe is our common home. All the history is going up from Europe. Europeans had opened other continent and the European languages are speaking all over the world today. It consists of 42 countries, such as the UK, France, Germany and others, and Russia is among them. Europe is the second smallest part of the world after Australia. The area of Europe is about 10 million sq. km. The population is about 700 million people. The largest countries by the area are: the European part of Russia (4 million sq. km.) and the Ukraine (600.000 sq. km.). The largest countries by population are the European part of Russia (100 million people) and Germany (79 million people). There are some facts about Europe. Europe. Area. the Altitude. Name. million sq. km. % of the dry-land the middle (metres) the highest point (m.) the lowest point (m.) Facts. 10.2 6.8 300 4807 - 28
    The longest rivers in Europe are: the Volga (3`530 km.) and the Danube. The largest lake is the Caspian Sea (371`000 sq. km.). The highest peak is Elbrus (5`642 m.), the lowest point is the Caspian sea (28 m. below the sea level).
    There are much recourse in Europe, among them are: coal, oil, gas, precious metals and metal ores. For example, today in Turkey there is 'the golden fever'.
    Europe is named after a legendary Phoenician princess Europa. The Greeks gave her name to the island and mainland of Greece. A Greek historian Herodotos, when writing about the war between the Greeks and Persians in 5th century BC called all land west of the Bosporus "Europe"; east of the Bosporus - "Asia", and so it has remained.
    There is another explanation of where the name Europe comes from. The Assyrians used to speak "asy" ("the land of rising sun") and "ereb" ("the land of setting sun" or "the mainland"). They passed these names on to Greeks and eventually they become Asia and Europe.
    Europe is a part of the continent of Eurasia.
    There are 42 countries in Europe. Most of them are on the mainland. Some of the countries lie on islands, for example the U.K., Iceland, and Cyprus. Such countries as Italy lie on the peninsulas. Europe is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the North, by the Atlantic ocean and the North sea in the West, by the Mediterranean and Black sea in the South. In fact Europe is really a westward exlention of Asia.
    There are many mountains in Europe. The best known are: the Alps, the Pyrenies, the Caucasus and the Urals. Elbrus is the highest peak (5`642 m.). There are many rivers in Europe. The most important are: the Volga, the Don, the Dnieper, the North Dvina, the Elber, the Rhine in Germany, the Seine in France. The largest lakes are the lake Onega and the lake Ladoga.
    Most winds in Europe come from the West. They are wet because they have come from the Atlantic Ocean. The arrangement of the peninsulas, mountains and seas allows these wet winds to blow far inland, bringing rain. In winter warm Atlantic Ocean current keeps the coast free from ice. Far from the sea, for example in Russia, winters can be very cold. The Mediterranean region has warm, wet winters and hot , dry summers. {There is a long period of sunshine and clean blue sky in summer.}
    In sprite of Europe is the second smallest part of the world, it is the most crowded; 1/8 of the entire world`s people live in Europe.
    Many languages are spoken in Europe. Among them are English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and others. The languages, spoken in Europe, can tell us much about the history of the countries. German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish and English are all German languages. Polish, Bulgarian, Slovak and Serbo-Croat are Slavonic languages. Russian, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, French developed out of the Latin language. Today European can be heard all over the world: English in North America and Australia, French in Canada and Southeast Asia, and Spanish in Africa. All this facts prove that European languages are spread all over the world.
    The borders of European states have changed many times. For example, the states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania became independent states in 1920, but in 1940 they became republics of the USSR. In 1991 they declared their independence again. In 1993 two independent republics, the Czech republic and Slovakia were created out of former Czechoslovakia. These facts prove, that the process of forming the countries still going on.
    People belong to different religions in Europe. In southern Europe and Poland most Christians belong to the Catholic Church. In northern Europe the churches are mainly Protestant. Such countries as Great Britain and Ireland belong to the Protestant Church. Greeks, Bulgarians, some Yugoslavs and Russians belong to the Orthodox Church. Also there are many other religions, such as Muslim, Buddhism and others.
    There are Jews living in most European countries, through few in Germany and eastern Europe where they exterminated by the Axis in the Holocaust, since WW-II immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean, Turkey, India and Pakistan have settled in parts of France, Germany, Scandinavia and Britain.
    So we can see, that there are 42 countries in Europe, people of different nationalities live there, they speak different languages and belong to different religions; but all of them want to live in peaceful coexistence and economic co-operation; that's why new institutions had to be set up.
    After World War II a number of countries in Western Europe began to co-operate more closely with each other. ............

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