“The limits of my language
mean the limits of my world.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951),
Australian philosopher.
The theme of this course paper presents the problem of interconnection between Russian and English languages. It is obvious that the interconnection of languages can be made within different languages and different time periods. The most important elements in the process of analyzing the reasons of such phenomenon are to find out the spheres of usage of these words and to discover the scientific approaches to the problem of loan-words usage expediency.
If we take such languages, that had never mixed or had never been taken into the contact, it would all the same turn out, that they had an influence in the past and they are making an influence now on each other. This influence can be observed here as the process of language contact.
Borrowings – are words and word combinations, adopted from one language to another according to its phonetic and grammatical rules. The number of borrowings is different in each language. There are languages full of loan-words, such as Korean: it includes about 2/3 of Chinese lexical units. Others have a little number of loan-words: such as Russian, French and German. Nevertheless, there are languages – Czech, Chinese and Hungarian – which make an effort in order to avoid the input of foreign words and try to make up new words and expressions for a new concept by their own lexical units. But there is no language without any borrowings because nations can’t be separated from each other and communication – cultural, scientific and trade – can’t be synthetically stopped.
There are different types of borrowings. In the most cases the necessity of adopting some word appears with the penetration of corresponding item or acquiring new notion. In this way the word “спутник” – “spoutnik”[1] in French and “sputnik” in English was borrowed by many languages from Russian after the launch of the first Soviet artificial sputnik of the Earth.
In XIX century many loan-words, connected with philosophy and politics, appeared in Russian language. By that time some of them acquired the status of international, for example: progress, solidarity, proletariat and bourgeois, socialism and communism. Russian revolutioner M.B.Butashevich-Petrashevskiy used the process of the international words assimilation for the propaganda of the socialism. In 1845 he published the dictionary of foreign words that had got on into Russian language. The dictionary was immediately confiscated by the censorship, and Petrashevskiy was arrested. And it was expectable, because there were the detailed explanation of such words as “демократия”, “конституция” etc in the dictionary. The flow of borrowing foreign words into Russian language had especially increased in 90-s. It is connected with the inflexions in such spheres as politics, economy, culture and new concepts of morality. The extraordinary expansion of foreign lexica had been observed in this period.
The realities of “new time” appeared mostly in such spheres as mass-media, advertising and IT because they present the most update phenomena of our modern lifestyle. It became fashionable for nowadays to use borrowings which came from English into Russian. It is conditioned by the tendency of American society idealisation, where the social life level is very high. Also we can’t deny the speed of technical progress in English speaking countries. It is obvious that they have a great potential in almost every sphere of modern society. That’s why we need to borrow words in order to name new concepts. The other reason and may be the most important is that English language nowadays serves as the language of international communication. May be we should wait a little and “людская речь в один язык сольется” as Sergey Yesenin wrote in his poem. Many Russian scientists are very troubled with the tendency of English and American words penetration into Russian language. There are a lot of examples in the history when one language gradually absorbed the other one. But as for me I think that Russian language is very rich and it has a great potential to get rid of everything superfluous or unnecessary and it is one of the richest language of the world while including a layer of loan-words in its vocabulary. So the study of the layer of borrowings in the system of vocabulary presents a great interest to linguists, as it shows the process of language development.
But in addition to the classical borrowings, which serve to identify new notions, there is a new tendency in Russian language – borrowing the words from English language, which already exist and are used in everyday life. For example, it is very fashionable to say “хаир” from English “hair” which means “волосы или прическа” or “фэйс” from English “face” instead Russian “лицо”. It is clear that we can’t use such borrowings in the scientific speech or in literary works. Here we can talk about the process of stylistic distinction of the loan-words.
The next subpoint for investigation is the layer of terms appeared in Russian language with new technologies and inventions. Great interest of the scientists of various spheres to the problems of terminology can be easily explained by the increasing flood of the scientific and technical information and the process of integration. A.A.Reformatskiy defined the term as a “monosemantic word lacking in emotiveness”. It is clear that a borrowing reflects the meaning of a term in most legible and distinct way.
There is an up-to-date tendency of assimilating terms in our everyday life. ............