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    Начало -> История -> USA - Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War

Название:USA - Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War
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Описание: Kazakhstan Institute of Management Economics and Strategic Research Topic: USA – Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War economic diplomatic War oppression From: Azhigaliyev Aibek 20073690 To: Gulnara Dadabayeva The history of Russian-US relations is rooted in the late XVII century, when ind

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Kazakhstan Institute of Management Economics and Strategic Research

Topic: USA – Soviet Union Relations before and during the Cold War

economic diplomatic War oppression

From: Azhigaliyev Aibek


To: Gulnara Dadabayeva

The history of Russian-US relations is rooted in the late XVII century, when independent American states did not exist. In 1698 Peter I met in London with William Penn, founder of the British colony, which later became Pennsylvania. It was the first bilateral political contacts. In the first half of XVIII century begins active colonization of America Russian merchants. Many Russian settlements were founded in the Aleutian Islands, mainland Alaska, in what is now the Canadian provinces of Yukon and British Columbia and the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon and California. Gradually the scattered Russian settlement colony were issued legally, over the territory occupied by Russian settlers proclaimed the sovereignty of the Russian Empire. Capital of Russian America was the city New Archangel (now - Sitka). In 1775 the 13 British colonies revolt against economic oppression by the British. George III turned to the Russian Empress Catherine II with the request to assist British troops in suppressing the uprising, to which was refused. July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, was proclaimed the independence of the colonies. Formally, Russia has not recognized this act, however, supports the desire of the colonies to independence. In 1780, at the height of the war for independence, Russia has announced an armed neutrality, is the actual support for the colonies. In 1809, Russia and the U.S. exchanged ambassadors, initiating diplomatic relations. The first U.S. ambassador to Russia, John Quincy Adams became the first Russian ambassador to the U.S. - Andrew Dashkov. In the XIX century, diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Russia were friendly. Peak closer Petersburg and Washington were 1860 .- Civil War in the U.S. and the Polish uprising of 1863-1864. Then Russia and the northern U.S. states had a common foe - Britain, which supported both southerners and Polish rebels. In 1867 all Russian possessions east of the Bering Strait had been sold for 7,2 million U.S. dollars. Furthermore most of Alaska this includes the entire Aleutian archipelago and some islands in the Pacific Ocean. However, in the middle of the century, the government of Nicholas I drew American engineers in their projects of modernization of the empire. For example, experts from the United States played a crucial role in the construction of the railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg and equipping of its rolling stock, implementation of the first telegraph lines and the rearmament of the army after the Crimean War. However, in the XIX century between Russia and the United States accumulated contradictions. Nota Monroe in 1823 was awarded the first Russian ambassador - in protest against the possible intervention of the Holy Alliance in Latin America and the strengthening of the Russian settlements in California. In the years 1849-1850. leader of the Hungarian revolution Layosch Kossuth visited the United States, and found a sympathetic response in the American West. In 1850, the U.S. Senate on the initiative of Senator Lewis Cass discussed the "Resolution Cashier" on the need to judge the monarchs of Europe for the suppression of the revolutions of 1848 (First of all, as stated in the draft resolution - "the Russian Emperor."). It played an active supporter of Sen. John Parker Hell. Here he writes about the American historian Arthur Schlesinger in "Cycles of American History": "The future historian, according to Hale, could start a chapter devoted to 1850, as follows:" At the beginning of the year the U.S. Senate, the highest legislative body of the world, assembled wise and generous people who have ever lived or will live, pushing in aside trifling local matters relating to their own territories, have formed a kind of tribunal and began to court over the nations of the Earth, for causing most cruel acts of despotism. "Offer Cash, Hale continued, is that" we have acted as judges angry! "We must bring to justice the nations of the earth, they stand before us as defendants, and we will make their sentences." Superior principle. But why be limited to Austria? Hale expressed his hope that the future historian will describe how the United States started" the court is not over any a secondary power, whose trade is negligible and the sanctions which will cost a low price, but first and foremost on the Russian empire, announcing her verdict. "In the end, Kossuth defeated the Russian army." I do not agree to judge Austria, until we are sentenced to some bigger criminals. I do not want our actions to resemble fishing nets frequently to catch small fish, but miss a major. "I want to judge the Russian tsar, said Hale, not only for what he did to Hungary, but also" for what chtb he did long ago, sending poor exiled to Siberian snow ... When we do this, we show that by raising his angry voice against weaker powers, we do so not out of cowardice. " "Resolution Cashier" was not accepted. But in 1880 Congress passed a series of decisions condemning the policy of Alexander III in the Jewish question. In 1880 the U.S. finally established in the Pacific Ocean. In 1886 at the initiative of President Grover Cleveland's Congress held hearings on the subject of future U.S. policy in the Pacific Ocean. At the hearing, it was decided that of all the Pacific countries, only the Russian Empire could potentially threaten U.S. interests. In this regard, the U.S. did not support the Russian-German-French ultimatum to Japan in 1895. In 1899 the U.S. declared policy of "open door", maintaining the territorial integrity of China, primarily - due to containment of Russian advance into Manchuria and Korea. ............

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